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The key differences in noise blocking, cancelling and masking technologies

Klíčové rozdíly v technologiích blokování, rušení a maskování šumu

Technologie blokování, rušení a maskování hluku způsobily revoluci ve způsobu, jakým posloucháme hudbu, zejména ve sluchátkách a sluchátkách. Tyto technologie pomáhají eliminovat nebo redukovat vn...

Best Smartwatches for Workout Sessions

Nejlepší chytré hodinky pro cvičení

Neustále se vám nedaří najít správnou rutinu? Když jsou všichni vaši přátelé extra opatrní ohledně svého zdraví a psychiky, máte pocit, že vám zbyde na to, abyste si ráno mohli zaběhat. Věříme, že ...

New Launch: Reinvented FutureGo MIX2 Smartwatch

New Launch: Reinvented FutureGo MIX2 Smartwatch

“A way to have an easy life.”  If that wouldn’t be a tagline we go with our newbie FutureGo MIX2 smartwatch we would have been disappointed and disgraced. The efforts turned positive when we got an...

Launching Soon: Bluetooth Calling Smartwatch with Crystal Clear Audio Quality

Launching Soon: Bluetooth Calling Smartwatch with Crystal Clear Audio Quality

Sometimes it becomes impossible to multitask and lately, we end up making a mess. It not only happens in the work part but in an entire routine. Maybe we’re so indulged in work that we miss out on ...


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Evolution of Musical Era: SoundPRO has come a long way; Gramophone to Finest Portable Bluetooth Speakers

Evolution of Musical Era: SoundPRO has come a long way; Gramophone to Finest Portable Bluetooth Speakers

We would happily say that we’re privileged to see the generation of sound innovations that have taken place till date. Today, when we were sipping coffee and listening to an old band of our time on...

OlymBuds 2: Enhancing Lifestyle with Better Sound Experience

OlymBuds 2: Enhancing Lifestyle with Better Sound Experience

Digital audio technology is one of our closest companions. Who hasn’t listened to music and podcasts, or watched TV and movies on their smartphone? While most of us take the luxury of a personalize...